Studio Meeting (2 hours)
This sprint's studio meeting is mainly about knowing new members and getting everyone to catch up with the things we have done during summer production. Cameron (studio lead) first held a studio-wide meeting, explaining that this semester there will be two ongoing projects: Project Skyscraper and Project Light, and went through the logistics of the studio. We were then broken up into projects and had a project-wide meeting. During this meeting, producers went through what Project Light is about. We went through the difference between our game and the case study - "Faster than Light," and reviewed what has been done during summer production and what is left to do. Lastly, we end with a team meeting. Our programming lead, Nikhil Gosh, got us familiar with the team, briefed us on the style guide, and gave out tasks for us to do (On-Boarding Tasks).
On-Boarding Tasks
Cloning the Repository
I was in the summer production and help cleaned up some code during the semester transition, so this part did not take long. I opened Git Bash on my computer and pulled the newest version of the master branch onto my computer.
Setup Debugger
The second task of the On-Boarding Tasks is to set up a debugger in Visual Studio for Unity, as "Debug.Log" is not a good way to debug the code.
