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Command an army to face off against your feline foes in a game of strategy, wits, and whiskers. Capture cities, use special abilities, obtain Artifacts of Power, and spawn units in this turn-based battle for strategic dominance against your opponents - in both solo play and online multiplayer.



Case Study - Wargroove

Why Case Study?


Following a case study is not the same as copying a game. In fact, case studies can be very helpful for students who are new to game development as they provide guidance and support throughout the design and development process. By studying professional games, students can learn valuable skills and techniques that they can then apply to their own projects.​


Why Wargroove?


The studio is interested in developing online multiplayer and turn-based strategy games. Wargroove is a perfect mix of both! Additionally, it is cost-effective for the studio, making it accessible to everyone.




01  Fully Working Online Multiplayer + Single-Player Mode

  • Turn-based multiplayer framework

  • Utility AI framework + 3 tutorial levels

  • 8 unit types - ground/aerial, crit conditions, and counter types

  • 3 commander types - unique abilities

  • 3 building types

  • 6 terrain types

  • 16 unique artifact buffs

  • 4 unique key location buffs

02  Many, Many Assets

  • 24 weapons + ~21 helmets + 3 balloon models

  • 6 commander head models

  • 13 building assets

  • 10+ animations - stylized idle & attack animations

  • 100+ 2D assets

  • 50+ audio assets - music, SFX, and voice over


Personal Achievements

01  Project Lead​

  • Led the largest student game development studio in Michigan (35+ People)

  • Completed the full game in 22 weeks

02  New Processes​

  • Successfully redefined producer roles, emphasizing leadership at the squad level, which significantly improved team dynamics and decision-making agility

  • Effectively integrated Quality Assurance into the development process, leading to a 33% increase in efficiency and markedly improving project outcomes

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